We are looking forward to welcoming the children back to school on Thursday 5th September 2024 We learn and live through our Christian Values of KINDNESS, THANKFULNESS and PERSEVERANCE. We celebrate how everyone SHINES through our motto: "Let your Light Shine". Matthew 5:16

A Tour of our School

The Outside of our School
This is the front of St George’s School, with our winter playground, play ship and apparatus.
This is our willow sculpture play tunnel, as you can see we use this all the time!
This is our School Hall. We use our hall for assemblies, sports and for lunch times.   We hire our hall out at weekends and evenings to the community, this gives the community a lovely facility and allows them to see our wonderful displays of work.
This is a picture of our swimming pool, we use the pool every year, and have a swimming gala for all to see at the end of each summer.
We have improved the swimming pool by putting artificial grass round it and painting the sides of the pool this year. It is heated by an Air Source Heat pump with electricity from our solar panels.
 This is a picture of our large sports field, we use the field for Winter and Summer Sports, as well as playtimes.
This is our garden, we have planted potatoes, peas, raddish. beetroot and much more. We have been cooking with some of our vegetables as well.
Here are our runner beans, they have grown alot because the weather has been wet and sunny.
This is our recycled greenhouse, we collected all of the used plastic bottles and we a little help from some parents built our fantastic greenhouse.
Here is a picture of our Spiritual Area. It has Prayer Pebbles that we can put into the water if we want to send a prayer to God.
This is St George’s Church, it is right next to our school and we have lots of services in the church through the yearWe also help to decorate the church for festivals and sing in church for services and events.
Here is the Outdoor Classroom, it’s good for science lessons and reading. You can also see our Olympic sized Long Jump pit!
The Inside of our School
This is the entrance to our school.
The main corridor in our school, this links the IT suite through to the main hall.
Badgers Classroom.
 Foxes Classroom.
Squirrels Classroom.
Hedgehogs Classroom.
Our school hall.
This is our kitchen where we get our lunch.
Please watch our video to find out more about our school