St George's Church of England School, Bourton


St George’s Primary School welcomes its duties under the Equality Act 2010. These duties reflect our core aims and values. The relevant polices can be found here.

  • Equal Opportunities Policy
  • Single Equality Policy


These policies set out our commitment to tackle discrimination whether direct or indirect, individual or institutional and promoting equality of opportunity and good relations across all areas of school activities, including our dealing with parents and the community. 

At St George’s Primary School we will continuously strive to ensure that everyone in our school is treated with respect and dignity as reflected in our school vision, values, and motto. The guiding principles in our Single Equality Policy are embedded in our Strategic Plan 2021 - 2023.

Each person in our school will be given fair and equal opportunities to develop their full potential with positive regard to gender, ethnicity, cultural and religious background, age, sexuality or disability. 

The school is committed to promoting good relations between persons of different groups and avoiding discrimination whether direct or indirect. The school will actively promote equality, oppose discrimination in all its forms and foster positive attitudes, respect, equality and partnership as we work with pupils, parents, carers and the wider community. 

Our Governing Body has specific Governors whose special remit is to monitor Safeguarding, Inclusion and Data. Governors and staff regularly use performance data to monitor pupil achievement and respond to variations between groups of pupils, subjects, key stages, trends over time and comparisons with other schools. This tracking of data specifically impacts the School Development Plan each year.

Equality Objectives 2023-2024

Behaviour and Attitudes

  • To continue to improve overall rates of attendance for all groups of pupils, focusing on persistent absence.
  • To ensure all our pupils are staying safe online.

Distinctive to Our School

  • To develop opportunities for pupils to develop their leadership, character, and key life skills further.
  • To ensure that our pupils develop a deeper understanding of the diverse nature of Britain 
  • To further develop and enhance Forest School Provision

Leadership and Management

  • To ensure all stakeholders have a clear understanding of the pathways and processes involved in identifying and supporting children with SEND in school.
  • To further facilitate subject leaders in gaining a greater overview of their subjects to further develop our school curriculum and improve pupil outcomes. 
  • To review the efficiency and accuracy of the school’s assessment procedures and tracking systems to ensure that high quality teaching leads to success. 


Personal Development

  • To promote and continue to develop positive mental health and wellbeing for staff and children across the school. 
  • To continue to develop and extend the range of extra-curricular opportunities on offer by the school and external providers in order to build cultural capital and increase accessibility.


Quality of Education

  • To continue to refine and embed our approach to the teaching of reading and writing in the Early Years, KS1 and KS2 
  • To continue to raise standards in Oracy within learning across the school
  • To continue to refine and embed a teaching for mastery in Maths approach in the Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 enabling all to shine.
  • To continue to refine and embed our approach to the teaching of computing in the Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2


Our Equality Objectives are drawn from our School Development Plan and success criteria for each objective can be found in that document.