How will both the school and you as a parent or carer know how your child is doing and how will we help you to support your child’s learning?
We will ensure that there are opportunities for:
Daily dialogue with staff through an open door policy to support positive relationships between school and home. Additionally, appointments can be made to see class teachers or the SENDCo if a concern needs to be raised by visiting the school office. Strategies can be shared between school and home to ensure that children are able to make the maximum progress.
Parent’s evenings are completed in the Autumn term and Spring term to discuss how your child has settled and their rates of progress, as well as their current achievements.
Sharing of achievements through Achievement assemblies happen on a weekly basis and parents/carers are invited to share their children’s successes in and out of school for our “How they SHINE” display board.
Relevant reporting through end of year reports as well as termly topic plan that offer links to learning in school will be provided.
In future, there are planned show case afternoons whereby parents are invited into school to see their children’s work in a show case, resulting in children sharing their learning with parents/carers.
The SENDCo is available to meet with you to discuss progress or concerns as necessary.
What support will there be for your child’s/young person’s overall wellbeing?
- High quality relationships with children based on positivity and good rapport.
- All children will have support from class teachers, learning supports assistants, lunchtime supervisors etc. to encourage open and honest relationships.
- PSHCE curriculum will support developing the whole child as an individual.
- A Creative Curriculum enables children to engage deeply in their learning, making links to real life and as result, beginning to prepare them for the wider world.
- Nurture groups and ELSA sessions are available weekly.
- Links are available as necessary to relevant School Counselling Services.
- If a child has medical needs. then a detailed Care Plan will be in place with support from the school nurse / parents / carers. and all staff will be aware / trained as necessary.
- Regular first aid training is undertaken as is training in specific needs, for example, asthma for all staff in school.
How accessible is St George’s?
Please see the disability / equality policy: school is accessible for all children, including those with specific needs relating to walking or wheelchairs.
Signage inside and outside of school is clear and well–posted.
There is a disabled toilet and staff are trained / undertaking training as necessary to support children with specific or medical needs.
Laptops, dyslexia friendly paper, large print books are all available to children as well as adults as requested.
Children have access to range of teaching styles, classrooms are arranged to meet needs, teachers and learning support assistants are deployed aptly to meet needs both inside and outside of the classroom and lunchtime supervisors and playground leaders support engagement with school environment.
How will St George’s prepare and support my child to join the next stage of education and life?
Transition is carefully monitored and planned as children progress through year groups / key stages / schools.
Transition days occur prior to children changing year groups as do intensive handovers between teaching and support staff to ensure that all staff are aware of the needs of the children within their class/the school and they are able to plan to further develop the individual on entry.
If your child is joining our school:
We will contact the previous school/setting to discuss your child’s individual needs and any special arrangements or support that they are currently receiving.
We will obtain all records about your child and request that they are transferred as soon as possible.
If your child is moving from St George’s to another school:
We will contact the school and SENDCo if necessary to ensure he/she knows about any special arrangements or support that has been made for your child.
We will make sure that all records about your child are passed on as soon as possible.
When moving classes in school:
Information will be passed on to the new class teacher in advance during a transition planning meeting with the new teacher. All Support Plans will be shared with the new teacher.
If your child requires further support with their transition into their new class specific arrangements will be made. E.g. photographs of new members of staff to take home, extra sessions with new members of staff.
In Year 6:
The SENDCo will liaise with the SENDCo of the secondary setting to discuss how a smooth transition can be managed and the provision and support that needs to be in place for your child.
Your child will visit their new school and take part in the transition programme offered by the secondary setting. Their is the possibility of an extended transition.
How can I be involved as a parent/carer?
At St George’s we encourage positive relationships between parents/carers, pupils and staff.
• Open door policy encourages frequent, open and honest dialogue and all parents / carers are encouraged to have an active role in their child’s education, as well as through home-school diaries and regular letters / newsletters.
• Parent’s evenings, Support Plan reviews further discussions relating to progress and achievement.
• Parents/grandparents are encouraged to come into school for parents evening, trips and visits, assemblies and workshops to support learning and will be invited to their children’s showcase events in the next academic year.
• Additionally, parents are asked to support their children during celebration assemblies and sports days as well as out of school activities like choir or Forest School Sessions.
• The PTFA encourage participation in school events, such as Christmas or Catering Days as well as the End of Year celebration, play's and discos.
• The school has an up-to-date website with access to all relevant information.
What do I do if I want to make a complaint?
Any complaint is dealt with sensitively and promptly.
1. The initial point of contact is the child’s class teacher
2. Appointments may also be made with the SENDCO initially, if further concerns then the Headteacher.
3. If any person feels that their complaint has not been dealt with adequately by the school staff, they are able to contact the named Governor of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, Mrs H Ridout, who will report their concerns to the Local Governing Body.
Please see our complaints policy.
Our SEND Local Offer can be found via a link within the above SEND policy and by clicking the link box above.