The governors hold 6 full board meetings throughout the academic year. A copy of the minutes is always available for you to read in the office. The Governors take an active interest in all aspects of school life and provide the support the school needs to give the best education possible for your child.
Mr R Clothier
Health & Safety Governor, Well Being Governor
Mrs H Ridout
SEND and Inclusion Governor, Well Being Governor
Mrs J Farndale
Executive Headteacher Governor(ex-officio)
Mrs K McCall
Staff Governor
Curriculum Link Governor
Mr H Phillips
Foundation Governor
Safeguarding Governor, Pupil Premium / Disadvantaged Learner Governor
Mr E Ruane
Local Authority Governor
Finance Governor
Mr G Nelson
Parent Governor
Curriculum Link Governor, Data Governor
Mrs C Potter
Foundation Governor
Curriculum Link Governor
Mrs C Worthington
Foundation Governor
Christian Distinctiveness Governor, SIAMS Governor