St George's Church of England School, Bourton


Mrs J Farndale

Executive Headteacher

Designated Safeguarding Lead, Senior Mental Health Lead, PSHE Lead,

Mrs K McCall

Executive Deputy Headteacher

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Curriculum Leader, English Lead, Phonics Lead.

Mrs H Shears

Inclusion Lead and SENDCO

SENDCO, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Designated Teacher for Looked after children, Pupil Premium Champion

Mrs T Miller

Admin Officer

Mrs Miller greets everyone with a smile when they arrive at our school.

Mrs K Hamilton

Finance Office

Mrs Hamilton helps us keep our finances in order

Mrs R Crosse

Teacher - Foxes

PE curriculum leader

Mrs S Welshman

Teacher - Badgers

Science Subject Lead

Miss E Moores

Teacher - Badgers

Maths Curriculum Leader

Mrs R Tyler

Teacher - Squirrels

Music Curriculum Leader

Mrs B Cheeseman

Teacher - Squirrels

Computing Curriculum Leader

Mrs K Shean

Teacher - Hedgehogs

Art and DT Curriculum Leader, EYFS lead

Mrs T Milsom


MfL lead, PPA cover in Foxes and Badgers

Mrs Suzy

Teacher - Forest School and Outdoor Learning

Mrs W Moores

Teaching Assistant


Miss T Gregory

Teaching Assistant


Mrs L Nicholls

Teaching Assistant and ELSA

ELSA, First Aider at Work, Paediatric First Aider, Squirrels

Mrs T Cutler

Teaching Assistant

Squirrels and Hedgehogs

Miss H Travers

Teaching Assistant


Mrs D Stone

Teaching Assistant and MDSA


Mrs S Oram

Teaching Assistant & MDSA


Mrs E Travers


Mr M McCall

Teaching Assistant


Mrs S Naunton

School Cook